Friday, March 15, 2013

The birth of princess

Chapter 1
The birth of princess

'' Yes. She is the image of you.'' 
the king said smiling to his wife .
     Once upon a time, a popular and wise king lived happily with his beautiful wife, waiting their first child. King John, was kind, helpful and just in every case, whether it was a big or a small one. He loved his beautiful young wife, Queen Victoria and reached their happiness when they knew that the queen was pregnant for the first time.
     After the birth of the child Cathrine, the princess, all were full of happiness for the coming of her.
 '' Thank you,… thank you very much '' the king said with a happy wide smile                      and strong hand shake for every one came to congratulate him.   
     On the next day, the queen told the king that she did not feel well. She asked him to look after princess well and to do his best to make her not to feel the absence of or be in need to her mother. The king took her words as a joke.
'' Do you mean that I should marry another woman? Why don't you give another joke? '' The king said laughing.
'' I'm serious , dear.'' The queen said holding her husband's hand.
The king looked at her eyes and knew that she was speaking in earnest.
'' Don't feel such hopeless, dear. You only feel thus because of giving the birth. You'll soon feel better. Just give your self time.'' he said.
'' Promise me to give Cathy a lovely and kind mother, please.'' She said looking at princess.
'' What are you saying?'' the king shouted.'' Are you asking me to give another woman your place .Please stop saying such foolish words.''
At the night of that day, the king couldn't sleep. He spent the night thinking of the queen's speech and how difficult life would be if her words became true.
'' No…no, that can't be true.'' he said to himself. He rose, carried princess, and sat on a chair.
'' Oh, dear little Cathy .Do you know that your mother wants to leave us? How difficult life it will be, but whatever happened I'll give you a safe and comfortable life.'' He said in low voice thinking that queen was sleeping, but she could hear him and made sure that she could leave comfortable.
In the next morning, while the king was sitting near his wife with their baby:
'' Look! What a beautiful baby she is.' the queen said.
'' Yes. She is the image of you.'' the king said smiling to his wife.
The king then went out the room to his work and help people who were in problems and in need of help. He ignored what happened at  last night in the palace and behaved as usual along the day.
On the next day, a great sadness fell upon the kingdom for the death of the queen. The king, at first, decided to look after his daughter himself, but days showed him that man can not serve two masters. He found it difficult to look after princess as well as the kingdom a affairs at the same time without help. The concept of re-marry did not take a place in his mind. Instead, he decided to get her a baby-sitter. He sent to call Richard, one of his honest men. He was tall, heavy and very good man who did his work honestly. He was the only man who could call the king '' sir'' not ''lord''.
'' Yes. sir.'' Richard said as he came in the big sitting room. He was wearing a long back-tailed jacket.
'' Richard! Please, listen to me carefully. I'm going to tell you this, just you and not any one else because I consider you as the most honest and friendliest in the palace. I know that you will achieve this task well.'' The king said
''Thank you very much, sir.'' Richard said.
'' Please, sit down and listen to me.''
Richard took a seat and the king continued:
'' I want you to look for a good baby- sitter for Cathy. Find her kind, friendly, and fond of babies. Please, do this as soon as possible.'' 
'' At your service, sir.''
Two days later, Richard told the king that he found the needed woman.
'' Thank you for your honesty, Richard.'' The king thanked him. '' And are you sure that she has the characteristics I told you? Has she any experience?'' the king asked him.
'' Yes, sir. I have found one. But to be truthful with you, she has no previous experience…..''
The king interrupted him:
'' I did not like the last words, but I trust you.''
'' Thank you, sir. I am sure that you will admire her. I prefer to talk to her yourself, sir.''
'' Ok. Bring her to the palace, please.'' The king asked him.
'' Soon, sir.''
Richard went to the town to bring the sitter.
End of Chapter  

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