Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The baby-sitter

Chapter 2
The baby-sitter

Princess Cathy
It was cloudy  and rained about an hour after Richard had gone to the town. The king was walking to and fro along the room putting both hands on his back.  When he heard something , he looked out the window and saw the cart of Richard. A woman got off the cart holding an umbrella above her head.
A few minutes later, the door was knocked and soon king John sat on his chair.
'' Yes, come in.'' the king said.
Richard came in '' The sitter , sir'' he said.
A woman about thirty appeared into the room. She was quite tall, good-looking, and seemed a kind person.
'' My lord. '' she saluted him with a bow.
'' Please, sit down.'' the king said and went on telling her about the job .'' It is certainly that you know why you are here and also I think you  know what my conditions are. Can you tell me about yourself and the qualities that make you suitable for the job, please.''
'' My name is Agatha Watson. I am thirty years old. I lived with my husband, but he dies in  an accident. After that , I have lived with my brother’s family for twenty days. I promise to do my best to look after princess as she is my daughter…''.
 The king did not like the last sentence so he interrupted her asking: '' Can you tell me about your qualities the make you suitable for the job ,please? ''
'' Faithfulness and honesty, sir.'' briefly and wisely  she replied.
The king looked questionably but said no word. Agatha continued:
'' I have no experience ,but……..''
'' So… how can you explain that you can deal with this task well? '' the king interrupted her.
''Diligence is the first step towards success.'' wisely she replied.
Thought he did not feel much comfortable , King John liked  the way Agatha answered his questions . Soon after the interview, Agatha was taken to her room just  next to princess' one. A few minutes later , Richard told her that the king wanted to see her again.
In the big sitting room:
'' My lord.'' She bowed greeting the king as she got into the room .
'' Please, sit down.'' he said.'' You don't need to call me ' Lord ' call me sir, please.''
'' Thank you ,sir. '' Agatha replied.
By that moment , Richard came in carrying little Cathy between his arms. He walked towards Agatha  giving her princess. When Agatha carried her , warm tears fell down her cheeks.
'' This is princess Cathrine. I know you will look after her well.'' the king said .
'' Thank you very much , sir. You will never be sorry for this.'' She replied .

 Agatha got the job and days showed how lovely and friendly she was. The king liked her very much and was pleased and so comfortable to get such sitter for his only daughter. Princess ,from the other side grew up happily with Agatha. Thus, Agatha became a member of the royal family with days.

   End Of Chapter   

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