Wednesday, October 16, 2013

A neglected Call

She was lying on her bed looking at a spot in the roof when she first got the message…. When she looked at her cell phone she realized that it was from an unfamiliar number and contained one word only; ‘’Hello!’’ .. She neglected it thinking it was sent to the wrong number .
In the next morning she received the same message from the same number and this continued for several days and every time she got the message she deleted it before reading the content.
One day she felt as if something forced her to open the message that day and read it, but when she did, it was not a greeting, but reproach and warning; “stop neglecting that!”. The thing made her angry was receiving the message more than once a day. She could not forget those three words …They were like a bell ringing in her mind...and once while she was busy with her phone, a new message announced arriving and it contained something made her sure that it was for her not anyone else….it contained her name ..Yes it was directed to her: “stop neglecting that, Sameera… stop it!” At first she smiled and thought it might be a joke from a friend of hers, but it was not as she simply thought because all those she knew admitted that they sent no message like that, so she decided to inquire about the number the next morning ….
While she was lying on her bed thinking of the number and whose it would be, her phone rang…she quickly had a look at her phone … it was the same number she got messages from… the same number that talked to her with her name ….
“ Should I answer? It’s after midnight” she thought… the call stopped while she was talking to herself and she heard it no more after that time…
The next morning Sameera was shocked when she was told that the number was not available!!!
“How is that? It bothered me many times?” she wondered.

Yes! How can unavailable number call her?!! How can it happen?!!
In fact it was not a person, it was her conscience. This happens to many of us… we hear voices that we do not know and may neglect them … they may keep calling again and again to warn us … some of us are lucky to answer while others fail and lose ….

Monday, September 23, 2013

It never dies

They have been close friends for along time. They could not stay away from each other. It happened once that Hope felt afraid that she would have to say "Bye" to Support, but Support assured her that he would never ever leave her, and that made her feel better. Since then, Support has done his best to make Hope happy.
Poor Support! He did not know what was waiting for them. He was shocked when Hope told him that her family did not like their relationship and that they had to forget each other and start a new life. How could it happen?! Poor couple! They lived together drawing wonderful dreams and coloring the rainbow of their own life.
 Hope was as sad as Support, but she decided to give herself a chance to take an adventure when they had no choice. Thus, she did her best to forget Support and started her new life with Option. At first, she thought it would be hard for her to live with another one, but days showed her the opposite. Every thing was prepared well for her, every thing went easily, and every day was perfect for her. She hardly remembered Support during her new life.
One day, a thought came to her mind “what is he doing now? Is he doing well like me and without me? Could he forget me?.." She did so every time she felt lonely. Nothing came to her mind in such moments but his memories...nothing made her better but remembering his voice...nothing made her smile but remembering the happy time they spent together. Days passed and Hope managed it well. She was happy that life was not as hard as she thought and that Support was only a dream from the past. The matter was not like that, however.
 One day, while Hope was walking she met Support. Their eyes met again with silence. A warm smile appeared on Support's face and, in return, Hope gave a sweet smile as if each wanted to say "long time no see. I miss you, dear". No voices ...nothing, but looks. They made their eyes talk. Before Hope leaves, Support said “I will never ever leave you". Her eyes shined with tears but she left then.
 Later on that day, Hope was thinking about his words. "All what he has to do is just to start a new life" she said to herself. “It will be fine like it is with me now“. She continued. That was her thinking but she got shocked when she knew that it was Support who did his best to keep his promise. He could not forget her. He was watching her and making sure that she was happy. When she knew that she went to him and said “Why, Support? Why? ". With his charming smile, Support said " I will never ever leave you, dear".
This is the story of Hope and Support..They have lived to prove that true love never dies, and true feelings ever last.

Thursday, May 9, 2013


 Rewrite the following sentences. Change the words or phrases in bald into NOUN CLAUSES.

  1.  I do not know his nationality
  2. To get a haircut  is my mother's idea.
  3. Mary asked me about the place of her bag
  4. I could not tell him about the time I will arrive.
  5. She does not know the number of his kids.
  6. Your speech was sad.
  7. I can hardly hear your words.

Saturday, April 27, 2013


Writing practice 

 Write a paragraph  on each of the following topics. Make sure that your paragraph contains a topic sentence, supporting sentences and a concluding sentence. After you finish, read your work and check that all ideas are well organized and related to the main idea.

1.      Sports 
2.      Life in a city
3.      Housework
4.      Traveling to a foreign country


Write a topic sentence.

Paragraph 1
__________________________________. This small white pill is not a new drug. We don’t know exactly why or how it works. However, millions of people use aspirin everyday. We take aspirin for many reasons. Aspirin is good for headache, colds, and pain. Aspirin can help with so many different health problems. Aspirin is a simple medicine, but it is great.

Paragraph 2
__________________________________. First think about the food you eat. The best types of food are fruits and vegetables. It is important to eat a lot of them everyday. Next, consider some exercises. Doctors say that one hour of moderate. Excise each day can keep you in good shape. In addition, exercise is good for the body and mind. Finally, relaxation is very important. Take time to appreciate the good things in life. You can follow these steps to help yourself stay healthy.


1. Choose the topic sentence:

Paragraph 1:
__________________________________. Snow is beautiful when it falls. After a few day, the snow is not beautiful anymore. It starts to melt, and the clean streets become messy. It is difficult to walk anywhere. The sidewalks are slippery. Snow also causes traffic problems. Some roads are closed.  Other roads are hard to drive on safely. Drivers have more accidents on snowy roads. I understand why some people like snow, but I don’t like it very much.
1-      In December, it usually snows.
2-      Some people like snow, but I don’t.
3-      I love snow.

Paragraph 2
__________________________________. She works at Papa Joe’s Restaurant. She serves about sixty people everyday. Maria can remember all the dinner orders. If here is a problem with any of the food, she takes it back to the kitchen immediately. Maria wants every customer to have a good meal at the restaurant.
1-      My cousin Maria is an excellent server.
2-      My cousin Maria works at Pap Joe’s restaurant.
3-      Maria’s customers do not eat big meals.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


  1. every day 
  2. everyday
  3. every day
  4. everyday
  5. ever day
  6. everyday
  7. everyday
  8. every day  
  9. every day