Monday, September 23, 2013

It never dies

They have been close friends for along time. They could not stay away from each other. It happened once that Hope felt afraid that she would have to say "Bye" to Support, but Support assured her that he would never ever leave her, and that made her feel better. Since then, Support has done his best to make Hope happy.
Poor Support! He did not know what was waiting for them. He was shocked when Hope told him that her family did not like their relationship and that they had to forget each other and start a new life. How could it happen?! Poor couple! They lived together drawing wonderful dreams and coloring the rainbow of their own life.
 Hope was as sad as Support, but she decided to give herself a chance to take an adventure when they had no choice. Thus, she did her best to forget Support and started her new life with Option. At first, she thought it would be hard for her to live with another one, but days showed her the opposite. Every thing was prepared well for her, every thing went easily, and every day was perfect for her. She hardly remembered Support during her new life.
One day, a thought came to her mind “what is he doing now? Is he doing well like me and without me? Could he forget me?.." She did so every time she felt lonely. Nothing came to her mind in such moments but his memories...nothing made her better but remembering his voice...nothing made her smile but remembering the happy time they spent together. Days passed and Hope managed it well. She was happy that life was not as hard as she thought and that Support was only a dream from the past. The matter was not like that, however.
 One day, while Hope was walking she met Support. Their eyes met again with silence. A warm smile appeared on Support's face and, in return, Hope gave a sweet smile as if each wanted to say "long time no see. I miss you, dear". No voices ...nothing, but looks. They made their eyes talk. Before Hope leaves, Support said “I will never ever leave you". Her eyes shined with tears but she left then.
 Later on that day, Hope was thinking about his words. "All what he has to do is just to start a new life" she said to herself. “It will be fine like it is with me now“. She continued. That was her thinking but she got shocked when she knew that it was Support who did his best to keep his promise. He could not forget her. He was watching her and making sure that she was happy. When she knew that she went to him and said “Why, Support? Why? ". With his charming smile, Support said " I will never ever leave you, dear".
This is the story of Hope and Support..They have lived to prove that true love never dies, and true feelings ever last.


  1. Wow. Nawal you are talented wallah. The story was written carefully. (Y)
