Thursday, February 21, 2013

Simple Present Tense #1

Verb Tenses: Simple Present (#1)
  Verb tenses are changes made in the form of verbs.
These changes are important for meaning because
they are "signals" about time, whether something is
a continuing action, and other information.
One important English verb tense is the simple present.
This is actually not a very good name because its
meaning is not exactly simple and the time for which
it is used is not exactly present.
In order to understand simple present tense better,
we'll look first at its form.

The Simple Present Tense: Form
  There are different simple present tense forms for be
and for other verbs.

I amyou arehe isshe isit iswe areyou are

Other Verbs
I base formyou base formhe / S / formshe / S / formit / S / formwe base formthey base form
There are also differences when be and other verbs
are negative in simple present tense:

I am notyouare nothe is notshe is notit is notwe are notthey are not


Contractions are often used for not, am not, is not,
are not:
are not ---> aren'tis not ---> isn't
I am not ---> I'm notyou are not---> you're nothe is not---> he's notshe is not---> she's notit is not---> it's notwe are not---> we aren'tthey are not---> they aren't

Other Verbs
I do not + base form
do not + base form
does not + base form
does not + base form
does not + base form
do not + base form
do not + base form
Contractions are often used for do not and does not:
I do not ---> I don't
do not ---> you don't
does not ---> he doesn't
does not ---> she doesn't
does not ---> it doesn't
do not ---> we don't
do not ---> they don't
They are no contractions for do or does in standard
written English.

Special Notes:

  There is no acceptable contraction for am not
in standard English. However, you will sometimes
hear people say *ain't--which is considered
unacceptable and "uneducated." Some people
also use *ain't for you, he, she, it, and they--
not only for I.
  Final / S / has three different spellings. Many
verbs simply add -s or -es. Verbs that end in
a consonant + y change the y to i and then
add -es.

Next: Spelling final / S /.

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