Saturday, February 23, 2013


1)      Prewriting: is what you do before you start writing. It’s a time for you to think of some ideas and plan what you are going to write.
a)      Brainstorming is a way to let as many ideas pop into your head as possible. It can help you decide what you want to write about. Here are some ways to brainstorm:
o   Get together with a friend or two and see how many ideas you can come up with.
o   Write down as many ideas as you can for five minutes without stopping. If you get stuck, just write “stuck” over and over until the next idea pops into your head.
o   Pick a letter of the alphabet. Then list words that start with that letter.
o   Find a picture in a book or a magazine, or draw your own picture. Then write what the picture makes you think of.
o   Think about places you’ve been, things you’ve done to come up with ideas, and people you know.
o   If you already have an idea or you’re writing from a prompt, write down as many words as you can about that idea. For example if you are writing about a holiday or family get together, you might write something like this:
·         Food: glorious smells, textures, pumpkin pie, whipped cream, turkey.
·         Family: grandma, aunts, uncles, crowded, laughter, games, cousins.
·         Games: backyard football, cards, DVD’s, hide-and-seek, kick-the-can
·         Emotions: laughter, happiness, joy,
§  Don’t worry about getting them in the correct order or category, you can do that later.
b)      Thinking: Try to answer these questions before you start. Your answers will help get you on the right track.
o   Who is going to read what I write?
o   How much time do I have?
o   If I am writing from a writing prompt, have I underlined all the important things I need to write about in the writing prompt?

o   Am I concentrating on the important ideas? Write them down in your own words.
o   Have I added enough information to my list of ideas, people, places, feelings, and dates?
o   Can I draw a picture to help me begin my story?

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