Saturday, February 23, 2013


1)      Editing: When you’ve finished revising your writing and you’re happy with what you’ve written, it’s time to make one final check. When you edit, you make sure you’ve used all the right words and you proofread your work to find mistakes in grammar, capitalization, and punctuation.
a)      Check for one kind of mistake at a time. For example spelling or capitalization.
b)      Spelling: Make sure you spelled all the words correctly. Use a Dictionary.
c)      Punctuation: Make sure you end every sentence with a period, question mark, or exclamation point. Look for sentences that need commas, apostrophes, or quotation marks.
d)     Sentence problems. All your sentences should express complete thoughts. Make sure you didn’t leave any words out accidentally.
e)      If you feel you have finished, put your head down and rest for five minutes. Then re-read what you have written again. Make changes if needed.

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